digital room thermometer using lm35 sensor 8051 microcontroller

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

Interface the LCD with 8051 microcontroller at89s52. But whenever I power up the microcontroller, LCD is lit but only black boxes are showing. I have tried many different codes and many things, but display is same. onle black boxes. But i have simulated this circuit in proteus. here, that LCD is giving correct output. Plz help in determining the problem.

digital room thermometer using lm35 sensor 8051 microcontroller
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Here are the attached code and circuit diagram. Here is the C Code. Thanx. Now the c code is compiled successfully. But I cant run this program in Proteus simulator. It dows not give any output. I can not find pin 6 of that LCD module. So i have to change circuit a bit. Plz modify it if necessary. . . I have used lm032l and this time result is positive. though a small error much like warning is displayed in proteus. I am attaching modified. /files with code. Sir, as today our burner didnt work, so we cant test that circuit. will test again tomorrow. mean while I need help also for completing our main project : digital room thermometer as our mentor are out of touch of these microcontroller and these things and it is too much to handle of our own. So, plz help. I am attaching circuit diagram here. At first, tell me the important things to test in order to start that project finally. We have tested 2) tested ADC 0808 in free running mode and it is giving correct output. We kept reference voltage 1. 28 volt so that the step size is in accordance with lm35 step size. next thing to test is ADC with microcontroller. coz You will test your LCD so there will be a display to print your test results. You guys are going on the right track give us some ideas for how to test adc with microcontroller what things we have to include in the c code then i can write it now and post here to verify. will u plz rep. sooner we have a deadline...

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