dry model 1 isca tracker

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

This is a handmade prototype research project, intended to demonstrate what goes into a tracker and to facilitate developing tracker-related magnetic-field models. This is not a product. Functions needed in a product but not needed to explore field model performance (such as characterization-data memories on the coil assemblies, a calibration coil

dry model 1 isca tracker
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in the receiver coil assembly, and fast digital data transfer) are not included. Pete used a combination of old and new parts, avoiding custom components. In particular, the coils are off-the-shelf parts and do not have to be custom-wound. The intent is that the design will inspire improved designs, rather than being exactly copied. To minimize hardware complexity (in particular, to eliminate the need for a field-programmable gate array, FPGA), and to ease experimentation, everything that can be done in software in the computer, is done in software in the computer. The programs for the Cypress Semiconductor CY7C68013A USB microcontroller are written in 8051 assembler language, and cross-compiled on the host computer using SDCC 2. 9. 0 into Intel hexadecimal format files for loading and running on the target CY7C68013A. The sinewave generator, DACs, and drivers are built on one copper-clad board using the classic amateur-radio ugly construction technique: hand-wired parts on a solid copper ground plane. C program dry0184. c, which compiles to executable dry0184, calculates the sinewave tables and outputs in Intel hexadecimal format without an end-of-file record. The CY7C68013A assembler code dry0278. asm, which assembles into executable dry0278. ihx, copies the sinewave tables from the SRAM in the CY7C68013A into the SRAM in the sinewave generator. C program dry0277. c, which compiles to executable dry0277, loads an Intel...

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