easy and cheap cdv 700 tube adapter

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

Build this circuit in any way you want, keep in mind that there is high voltage involved, make sure that everything is properly insulated and that bare conductors are not closer to eachother than 2mm to prevent any arcing. This circuit is basically a voltage regulator such as a 7805 built with discrete components and for higher voltages. T

easy and cheap cdv 700 tube adapter
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

o regulate to 500V for example, I used one 200V and two 150 zener diodes. 500V is a common voltage used by GM tubes. With this circuit you are no longer limited to the more rare 900V tubes and you can connect all kinds of tubes to the CDV-700. Keep in mind, however, that the CDV-700 may no longer display correct measurements in milliRG¶ntgens per hour since the scale is calibrated for use with the 6993 tube.

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