expand from one 15 pin d-sub VGA output to multiple others circuit

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

The circuit that allows you to expand from one 15 pin d-sub VGA output to multiple others. I built upon the schematic found online here and expanded it to allow up to 6 monitors connected at once! The input VGA connector is on the left while the 6 output VGA connectors are on the right side. The circuit is very simple though th

expand from one 15 pin d-sub VGA output to multiple others circuit
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

ere are a ton of wires. It basically uses 5 transistors per output connector. The boxes in the middle are quad ECG2322 transistors so I needed a total of 8 to get the 6 monitors. The amazing thing about this circuit is that I could have kept going. You can hook up as many monitors as you want, I just limited myself to 6. The reason we can keep connecting is that the circuit draws very very little current (nearly zero) from the input source due to the input connecting to the base of the transistor. The base current near zero does not let current enter the right half of the circuit. Thus, the right half is powered by a 5 volt source which I stole from the PC power supply. Check out the original webpage for a more detailed explanation. I used Orcad Capture 9. 2 to generate the schematic.

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