gps altimeter

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

This device was created in a hurry for the USC Rocket Propulsion Lab, the student-run high-altitude rocketry effort at USC. I think I soldered it together a day or two before the launch, and then programmed it on a laptop on the car trip out to the desert. It uses a Picaxe 18X microcontroller and accepts a GPS NMEA data stream at 4800 baud (I thin

gps altimeter
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k ). It pulls out the altitude and logs it to a 24LC512 external EEPROM, and then reads it back when you are done. You can clearly see where the GPS device briefly lost satellite lock on the way down. The rocket hit a final altitude of about 18, 400 feet! Its take-off was also the single loudest thing I have ever heard in my life. If you ever get a chance to watch a large rocket launch, I highly recommend it!

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