h bridge using mosfet transistor pwm

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

Make H-Bridge for controlling DC brushed motor with PWM. One bridge will control 1 DC motor. Bridge will have 3 inputs: A, B and PWM. A and B will be direction control while one PWM signal will control motor speed no matter in which direction it will spin. Will this circuit work (of course ill have to add protection diodes but first i want to know if it will work with PWM) A and

h bridge using mosfet transistor pwm
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

B will select direction of motor and no matter if it will spin clockwise or counterclockwise same one PWM signal will set its speed. Transistors connected to A and B are 2n3904, P and N mosfets of bridge will be IRF7317 and mosfet with PWM will be IRF7905. Motor voltage is 6V and maximum current draw is 1. 1A. PWM freq 1kHz

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