how to design h bridge circuit for

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

In electronics H-bridge circuit refers to a configuration consisting of four individual switching devices like transistors or mosfets, such that these can be switched through external discrete signals from respective stages of the involved control circuit. While switching, the complementary pairs from each of the arms switch together, meaningthe NPN device from the left arm and the PNP

how to design h bridge circuit for
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device from the right arm of the bridge conduct together in response to an external applied signal. The arrangement generates a push pull effect in the connected transformer winding of the inverter which in turn generates a required one full cycle of AC at the output of the transformer. The special arrangement of the devices make it possible for driving the devices through two individual signal sources, one which decides the switching rate of the output while the other decides the RMS value of the output from the transformer. Transistors T2 and T4 ae fed with the PWM pulses which switch ON together, however when T1 is conducting, T2 should remain shut OFF and similarly when T3 conducts T4 should remain OFF, the two diodes from the respective NAND gates takes care of the issue and allow only the relevant transistors to carry out the PWM switching. Thus the NPN transistors are responsible for producing the regular 50 or 60 Hz pulses while the PNP transistors are responsible for breaking the square waves as per the PWM sections.

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