led blinking 8051 microcontroller keil c tutorial at89c51

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

Basically 8051 controller is Mask‚ programmable‚ means it will‚ programmed‚ at the time of manufacturing and will not‚ programmed‚ again, there is a derivative of 8051 microcontroller, 89c51‚ micro controller‚ which is‚ re-programmable. This device also have Timer, Serial Port interface and Interrupt controlling you can use these according to your need.

led blinking 8051 microcontroller keil c tutorial at89c51
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VCC and GND of AT89C51 is not shown in the above circuit diagram. VCC should be connected to +5 and GND should be connected to Ground of the power supply. AT89C51 needs an oscillator for its clock generation, so we should connect external oscillator. Two 22pF capacitors are used to stabilize the operation of the‚ Crystal Oscillator. ‚EA should be strapped to VCC for internal programG‚executions. AT89C51 has no internal Power On Reset, so we have to do it externally through the RST pin using Capacitor and Resistor. When the power is switched ON, voltage across capacitor will be zero, thus voltageG‚acrossG‚resistor will be 5V and reset occurs. As theG‚capacitorG‚charges voltage across theG‚resistorG‚gradually reduces to zero. The circuitG‚may beG‚simulated using Proteus. If you haven`t yet started with Proteus, please go through this tutorial. You can buy Proteus fromG‚ Labcenter Electronics. hi there. I have a atmel programming kit for AT89C51. This has the interface CP2102 USB to UART master controller  to communicate with the computer. I have no problem with IDE. Now I want to fuse the hex  file in to my controller. I searched in the net and found driver for my programmer interface (USB to UART). So the interface communicaiton has no problem. Now I need a utility to fuse the program in to MC. Could you please suggest me a good utility with download url to fuse programs in my AT89C51 It will be so helpful to me. Thanks...

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