led blinking program with pic16f887

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

The code in mikroC PRO for PIC16F887, with 8. 0000 MHz clock for microchip 44 pin Demo board, the routines have been written from microchip in HITECH C, since I am working and have programmer and software from mikroE I am interested to go with that only, instead of running around. If any body will help me for that, they used internal oscillator to control the speed of

led blinking program with pic16f887
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

the running leds on one of the ports and the direction is switching with the help of one micro swith. This all I wand in mikroC PRO. , that will help me in learning the use and control of the internal clock of the MCU and other things as well.

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