magnetics application schematics

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

Calibrate the measurement circuit by forcing a known conductor current and measuring the resulting voltage output. If sensor to conductor displacement changes, recalibrate This sensor circuit can measure DC and AC currents to the bandwidth of the op-amp. Additional bandwidth limitation can be had by placing capacitance across the 475k-ohm feedback resistor.

magnetics application schematics
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Other power supplies can be used with this circuit if the selected op-amp can operate. Note that the 1N4148 diode can be removed if reverse polarity protection is un-needed. Simple circuit for laptop computers, portable devices, etc. for detecting change in location (i. e. rotational movement). The HMC1021S is placed on a horizontal circuit board in a magnetically clean area. 10-bit to higher ADC`s recommended for best resolution. Software should allow for slow drifts in value, but trigger for disturbances if sudden value changes in many ADC counts. Gradiometers are basic magnetic anomaly detectors, commonly used for metal detection. The near sensor is the reference in which the far sensor is used to probe for metals. Differences show up in the meter. This circuit is optimized for voltage operation and using the HMC1052 AMR sensor in the 1. 8 to 3. 6 volt battery supply. To conserve battery life, you can power off the sensor and amplifier supplies (VDDSW) when not measuring the magnetic axes. The set/reset MOSFETs can remain powered and will not draw current unless the gate logic toggles. The op-amp and MOSFET types are not specified to allow sourcing from multiple vendors. MOSFETs should have Rds(on) ratings of 0. 4 ohms or lower per FET. All parts should be chosen for low voltage compatibility. Placement of the HMC1052 must permit a standoff from other SMT parts and ferrous metals for best performance. Compass accuracy is...

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