mains remote switch

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

This compact design forms a remotely operated switch that receives its control signal via the mains voltage. The switch is operated using the mains remote transmitter` described elsewhere in this issue. With this transmitter, a switch should be connected between pins 1 and 2 of K1. Depending on the application, this must be either a press contact

mains remote switch
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or a make contact. The idea of the mains remote switch` is that a relay is energized in order to connect the mains voltage on K1 through to K2. The receiver` (a somewhat exaggerated term for such a simple design) is formed by Tr1 and the tuned circuit L1/C4. The network C1/Tr1/C2 serves as a coupled circuit tuned to the frequency of 143 kHz generated by the transmitter. The selectivity is determined by L1/C4 and is primarily dependent on the standard suppression coil L1. Gain for operating the relay is provided by T1. The amplified signal is smoothed by C6 and provides the voltage necessary to cause T2 to conduct and energize the relay. The voltage divider formed by P1, R1 and R2 provides a bias voltage for T1 in order to increase the sensitivity of the receiver. This also allows the relay to be energized without a received signal. D1ensures that C5 does not become charged and prevents T1 from conducting even more. The operation of the circuit is based on the fact that the incoming signal is sufficiently strong to overcome the hysteresis of the relay. Once the signal is no longer present, the relay must naturally again release. To be honest, it must be noted that the simple design of this circuit has the disadvantage that its sensitivity may be somewhat inadequate, depending on household circumstances. One possible solution is to reduce the frequency of the transmitter to the region between 95 and 125 kHz. The values of C1,...

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