microcontroller Arduino 230v Light bulb dimming

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

Did you check if you actually see the zero crossings on your input pin You might want to write a sketch that toggles the pin13 LED every 50 or 60 or zerocrossings. You should see a visible 1Hz blink. jippie Mar 3 `13 at 11:41 Which input pin did you use for attaching the zero crossing detector Notice that interrupt number may not be the same as input pin number and may interrupt pin numbers

microcontroller Arduino 230v Light bulb dimming
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

may vary across Arduino board type. So which Arduino are you using jippie Mar 3 `13 at 11:44 @jippie i am new to this can you help me with it "Did you check if you actually see the zero crossings on your input pin You might want to write a sketch that toggles the pin13 LED every 50 or 60 or zerocrossings. " Daniel Euchar Mar 3 `13 at 11:49

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