mosfet How to switch between a solar panel and battery

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

A 12v battery is being charged from a solar panel. When battery is 12v solar panel is disconnected from battery and connect the load with battery. And again solar panel is connected with battery when battery voltage is say 10v. How to switch simply Which one is preferable, optocoupler or mosfet and how they are interconnected for proper switchin

mosfet How to switch between a solar panel and battery
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g Just for my satisfaction, does anyone know, if leaving the solar panel connected to the battery during load conditions, whether damage of any sort would happen Andy aka Apr 24 `13 at 19:24 @Andy aka It is common practice to leave a charging source connected to the battery while the load is also drawing current. I see no need for the switch that Apu is considering. Peter Bennett Apr 24 `13 at 19:30 @PeterBennett Andy may be thinking about the situation that the battery is charged, but then evening comes (or clouds) and the panel`s voltage drops. That`s probably the only situation to worry about, and is easily addressed with a diode which prevents back-biasing of the panel. Kaz Apr 24 `13 at 19:43 Ugh. why is the grammar so bad I can hardly tell what`s being asked! "And again solar panel is connected with battery when battery voltage is say 10v. " fuzzyhair2 Apr 25 `13 at 7:52

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