phone tap circuit

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

This circuit is extremely simple, therefore there is less chance of any problems. It can be placed anywhere on the phone line and it will record any conversation on any phone on that line. Please note: I have received several emails saying that this circuit will not work and that it may hold your line off hook and to me it looks like it will (it w

phone tap circuit
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

ould put quite a load on the phone line). For some, it has worked fine. Build at your own risk. The values of R1 and R2 may have to be adjusted, depending on the characteristics of the phone line it is connected to (they vary). If the R1+R2 combination is increased sufficiently (try 2. 47K) then the circuit can be connected in parallel with the line, thus covering all attached devices. (Thanks to Mark Wright for the suggestion). T. A. Betts offers this suggestion for getting this problematic circuit working: "If you drop the resistors and add a 2. 2uF capacitor the line will not stay off hook. It blocks the DC from the moniter position. "

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