Programmers in circuit serial programming

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

The EPIC Plus Programmer, Serial Programmer, USB Programmer or U2 USB Programmer may be used for in-circuit serial programming of serially programmable PIC Microcontrollers through the 10-pin expansion header J3. Vpp, RB6, RB7 and ground should be connected as in the following diagram. Any additional connections to /MCLR, RB6 and RB7 should be d

Programmers in circuit serial programming
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esigned as to not interfere with in-circuit programming. The cable connecting the programmer ’s 10-pin header to the target board should be less that 150mm in length. The drawing shows the pinouts and connections to the 18-pin PIC16F84. For other PIC Microcontrollers, use their corresponding pin connections. Note: +5 Volts should be supplied to the PIC Microcontroller by the target system. The +5 Volt and Vdd lines from the programmer header are not intended to power external circuits. Note for PIC17C7xx: These devices may also be programmed in-circuit. However, different pins are required than shown above. See the Microchip programming spec on these devices for more information. Connect your programmer to the LAB-X board using a 10-pin Header Cable. Do not twist or fold the cable to make the connection. The connectors on the programmer and LAB-X boards should line up to allow a straight connection. If your LAB-X board has a ZIF socket, raise the lever. Insert the microcontroller into the socket on the LAB-X board and lower the lever to lock it into place. Make sure that the notch on the end of the microcontroller is aligned with the lever end of the socket. If your LAB-X board does not have a ZIF socket, carefully line up the PIC Microcontroller ’s pins with the holes in the socket and press it into place. Make sure the notch on the end of the microcontroller is aligned with the notch at the end of the...

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