reader cloner

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

The picture below is of my prototype combination card reader and cloner. The unit is self contained and does not require the use of a PC or other external equipment to operate. Operation is simple and straightforward. Simply hold a card near the antenna and the unit reads and decodes the information from the card. The information is then formatted

reader cloner
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

and displayed on a 4x20 character LCD. If the operator wishes to make a copy of the card he simply brings a T5557/5567 Read/Write card near the antenna and presses the "write" button. The LED flashes and in less than a second the R/W card has been programmed with the information that was read from the original. Voila ! - A clone card. The cost to build the device was minimal (approx. $30) including the LCD display and circuit board. The design fit on a single sided circuit board that I etched myself. The PWB was made to be the same size as the LCD so that they could be plugged together as a single assembly. I initially began this activity by trying to build a simple card reader that could be used to obtain all of the information that was transmitted by the card during a simple read operation. Most commercial card readers do not output all of the data that is read. Information such as the header and card format are never transmitted as part of the readers normal output stream. Knowing this information is critical for being able to replicate a cards operation. As a result, I set out to build my own custom reader. A document that I found to be invaluable during my learning process was Microchip`s 125 Khz RFID Sysem Design Guide which can be found on their website. RFID System Design Guide. Their FSK reference design circuit was basically what I used for my design. I made a couple of small modifications to simplify the design...

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