remote field recorders automated frog call data loggers

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

Automated frog call data loggers have been used successfully to provide information on: (1) species presence at the time of sampling (that is, species likely to be overlooked during time-constraint sampling can be recorded with greater reliability); (2) life history and phenology information, such as when frogs call (especially if different specie

remote field recorders automated frog call data loggers
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s call at different times of the day), what environmental influences affect calling; and (3) a relative index of the number of males calling. Although species can be easily identified, categorizing abundance may be very difficult in even moderately sized choruses because of call-overlapping interference. It is also often not possible to separate individual callers, allowing the possibility that a single calling male could be counted multiple times. Because environmental variables influence the number of animals calling, differences among abundance categories over time may be only reflective of differences in environmental conditions during sampling periods. Thus, call surveys using automated frog call data loggers must be conducted at multiple occasions during the potential breeding season. Further, call surveys tell nothing about the presence and number of females and non-breeding males, or whether reproduction was successful. Frog call surveys using automated data loggers are best implemented where researchers have limited access by road or when rare species are suspected. Automated frog call data loggers are recorders that can be programmed to operate for a specified duration at specified intervals (for example, one minute every hour) and over a specified period (for example, 18:00 until 06:00). They can operate remotely without maintenance for extended periods under most environmental conditions, including extreme heat,...

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