shootable simon game

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

Here is the schematic for the circuit, including the connection to the piezo hit sensor. For testing, you can connect an LED between pins 3 and 4 of the 74HC14. Giving the plexiglass plate a good smack should either light or unlight the LED (depending on which way around you installed it). You`ll need 4 of these for a modification of a Simon game

shootable simon game
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

(1 per switch to actuate). In the case of the Spark Fun Simon game I used, the /HIT OUT  would be connected to a switch input on the Simon PCB. I used the Simon game from Spark Fun, but you can use almost anything you want as long as you can trigger the buttons by applying a logical 0 or 1 to the right pin or contact. In my Simon`s case, applying GND to the inner ring of the button contact does the trick. A logical 0 sent here will push  the button. First, I de-soldered each LED under the button panel and extended them out on wires. I did this in order to have each LED shine on its matching plexiglass panel, instead of lighting the button. Next I soldered a wire from each button contact to each of the outputs of the piezo hit sensors. This is so that when the panel is shot, the LOW from the 74HC14 gets fed into the button input on the Simon game which triggers the input. Therefore, shooting the panel is the same as pressing the button. I powered the piezo hit sensors from the +5V supply of the Simon game, but if you supply the hit sensors with a separate power source, remember to tie together the GND of both power supplies (that is, your piezo sensor`s power supply GND should be connected to the (-) of the battery connector on the Simon. ) Note: Only connect the GNDs! Do not connect the (+) of the two supplies! This is where mine got ugly. I drilled some holes in the plexiglass, tied them to a dowel, and hot-glued on the...

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