simplify MCU circuit design

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

Writing MCU assembly code is often a hard and tedious task. You can simplify software development and gain more time to design the electronics hardware if, instead of manual coding, you use TINA`s Flowchart editor and debugger to generate and debug the MCU code, using just symbols and flow control lines, and then run or debug this code in digitalor mixed circuit environment. In the following example, a

simplify MCU circuit design
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flowchart to controls a MCU embedded in a simple circuit. The flowchart adds two numbers that are read from two ports of the PIC16F73 microcontroller. There are three important tabs at the top-left corner of the debugger that establish the view of the source. If you select the Flowchart tab, you can see and debug via the Flowchart. If you select the Flowchart+Code tab, TINA will display both the flowchart and the assembly code. You can, in this view, place breakpoints both in the flowchart and in the assembly code. If you select the last mode, Code, you can debug using traditional assembly language debugging. Note that in order to synchronize the flowchart and the assembly code, and to make the code more readable, TINA inserts additional labels and comments into the code; for example: Breakpoints are used to halt code execution at user-specified points, permitting the examination of registers and parameters. TINA offers several ways to insert and remove breakpoints. One of the most useful feature of TINA`s flowchart programming is that you can test debug circuit operation including MCUs programmed by flowchart, in mixed analog-digital environment. The following circuit, included in TINA, is a motor controller which you can run and debug in the interactive mode of TINA.

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