sound level meter circuit

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

This sound level measuring device circuit can live used to control the intensity of a sound recording before in the field of a disco. It has 5 measurement domains connecting 70 and 120 dB; recital accuracy is 0. 5 dB. Microphone M1 is used to receive the acoustic imply and is coupled to C1, C2, R1 and R2. This components, composed with the micropho

sound level meter circuit
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ne`s office and with the input impedance of the amplifier form an input filter. The filtered hint at goes to operational amplifier IC1 whose sensitivity can subsist switched with S2 corresponding to the five measuring domains. D1 D4 diodes rectifies the alternating voltage next to the amplifier output and feeds the indicator tool through R9. D5 is used indoors order to watch over the sound level gauge indicator opposed to soaring voltages; it limits the rectifier`s output voltage after the sound level is too high. On standard conditions the input current is just about 2 mA to is why the circuit can live powered with 2 x 9V batteries. S1 switch is used to disconnect the sound level gauge device afterward measurement. The indicator tool ought to tolerate a graded amount in the field of dB with the greatest extent profit of +10.

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