starting AVR development

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

This tutorial looks at the tools needed to start development (C programming) on 8-bit AVR microcontrollers and shows how to write a C program and load it to an AVR microcontroller. An ATtiny2313 microcontroller breadboard circuit will be used as the test circuit. This microcontroller will be powered by 5V the 5V from a PC power supply will be

starting AVR development
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

used. An LED and resistor will be required to build the circuit. Single strand, single core wire will be needed to connect the microcontroller to the AVR programmer. After downloading Atmel Studio, install it by running the downloaded executable file. After software installation, plug the AVRISP mkII device into a spare USB port on the PC. The drivers for the AVRISP mkII should automatically be installed. Build the circuit on a breadboard and use the connections from the ISP header in the circuit diagram to connect the AVRISP mkII to the ATtiny2313 using single strand wire. 3. Choose the location to save the project to and choose a project name. The project for this tutorial will be named attiny2313_blink. Be sure to fill this name into the Name field and not the Solution name field. 4. In the next dialog box that pops up, select the device. Use the Device Family drop-down box to select tinyAVR, 8-bit and then select the device in the table below ATtiny2313. #include void Delay(void); int main(void) { DDRB |= 1 << PB0; while(1) { PORTB &= ~(1 << PB0); Delay(); PORTB |= 1 << PB0; Delay(); } } void Delay(void) { volatile unsigned int del = 16000; while(del-); } Switch the power to the target on (the 5V supply to the ATtiny2313). In the Device Programming dialog box, click the Read button under Target Voltage a voltage should be read and displayed. Click the Read button under Device signature a device signature...

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