strobe light controller

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

After having its engine and other mechanical parts restored to its optimum condition, the next thing I had in mind is to add aesthetic lighting. I went to a local electronics store and found these 12V DC Operated LED Strip. These are perfect for what I had in mind. Luckily, I remembered the voltage doubler circuit introduced to us in our Electroni

strobe light controller
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

cs class during my college years. The voltage doubler circuit introduced to us at that time needs an AC input. Though its not the right circuit for my problem but it gave me a reason to look for a voltage doubler circuit that works with DC input. The search led me to this very cool site full of interesting useful circuits, the. Out from which I got this circuit. This site did not only post the circuit schematics but also a detailed description of how the circuit works. Since some of the components shown in the circuit schematics is not locally available, I had to replace them with similar components that are available here in my place. The schematics of the modified circuit is shown in figure below. I tested this circuit using a 5V DC input. The output voltage measured, using my analog multimeter, is 8V. Theoretically, it should have been 10V but due to the diode and transistor P-N junction threshold voltages, the output voltage is minimized to 8V. Tested this circuit again using the battery of my motorcycle and with the LED Strips connected to the output port. As can be observed, the LED Strip lights up brightly. The power supply part is done. The next part is the strobe controller which I will be calling as Alitaptap. Alitaptap is the Filipino term for firefly. I have decided to make one out of the NE555 Timer in Astable Multivibrator (with diode) Configuration. The circuit schematics is shown below. This circuit is the...

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