triac Optotriac doesnt turn off

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

No problems turning it on, but after I unload the input (no input current), the triac doesn`t turn off. The load is standard RS-232 voltages (+/- 12V), speed 56k. You mentioned you have already tried using an OptoTriac, so the schematic of how you connected it, power source (e. g. voltage, whether it shares the same ground as the modem/PC) etc, is the kind of thing that would come in handy. The clearer the question

triac Optotriac doesnt turn off
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the easier it is to give an accurate answer. Oli Glaser Oct 29 `11 at 2:47 If you continue asking questions in this manner people will get tired of trying to help you. |If you can say "I have no problems turning it on, but after I unload the input (no input current), the triac doesn`t turn off. " - you MUST have a circuit in mind and must have tried it or simulated it. To then just say "I have no schematics yet" (if you wrote that) is missing the point. | IF you tried using a TRIAC and IF it did not work then you will be able to provide a circuit diagram somehow, and should. If you won`t do people the courtesy of doing that you`ll rapidly lose people willing to help. Russell McMahon Oct 29 `11 at 10:14

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