
Posted on Feb 5, 2014

This page describes a project a colleague and I completed between September, 2000 and March, 2001 as part of the Engineering Physics degree program at the University of British Columbia. In summary this project involved building a USB device using the PIC 16C745 microprocessor from Microchip. The USB device consisted of a microphone, the microproc

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essor and other hardware and the device sent audio data to the host computer. This page contains notes, links and code extracts from this project relating to USB, USB Human Interface Devices, the 16C745 microprocessor, and specifics of this project. Hopefully this information will be helpful to your project. We achieved our goal and built a working device. This involved building the device hardware (microprocessor, microphone, and supporting electronics) and software (microprocessor code and host computer code). Unfortunately, the relatively low sampling rate by the microprocessor in the analog-to-digital conversion process mangled the audio signal to make it indecipherable at the host computer, but loud/soft transitions were easily detected. USB (Universal Serial Bus) is a protocol that allows two way communication between peripheral devices and a host computer. It is hot pluggable, allowing the device to be connected and/or removed while the computer is running. There are lots of other features of USB. The specifications for USB are available at. Be warned that while this information is very thorough, it is not very practical for developing a device or software. Technical documents are available at. There are two types of USB devices: high speed and low speed. There are differences in the type, length and connectors that can be used with the two types. Generally the requirements are stricter for high speed devices. A high...

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