variable power supply with l200

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

Voltage output is controlled by 10K variable resistor. Output voltage range value will be about 3 to 15 volts, and current range is about 10mA minimum and 2 amp maximum. Reaching the current limit will reduce the output voltage to zero. Make a PCB in very easy steps. ! Create your PCB design using PCB designer software like Eagle, print out your

variable power supply with l200
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

design on photo paper or glossy paper with laserjet printer. Stick the printed design on the PCB (copper side) and then heat it using hot iron plate. The ink will stick on the PCB and it will be ready for etching process. Note: If you don`t have laserjet printer, then you can print the design on standard paper. Copy the printed design at Copy Service around your location (with glossy paper).

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