wave antenna circuit

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

The circuit presented here illustrates the fact that in spite of all kinds of new component and technology, it is still possible to design useful, and interesting, circuits. The circuit is based on two well-established transistors, a Type BF256C and a BF494. In conjunction with the requisite resistors and capacitors, these form a well-working ante

wave antenna circuit
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nna amplifier. Note that they are direct coupled. Transistor T1 is the input amplifier cum buffer, while the BF494, in a common-ground configuration, provides the necessary amplification. The amplifier is designed for operation at frequencies between 10 MHz and 30 MHz, which is the larger part of the short-wave range, and has a gain of 20 dB. Inductor L1 is wound on an Amidon core Type T-37-6. The primary consists of 2 turns, and the secondary of 12 turns 0. 3 mm dia. enameled copper wire. The number of turns may be experimented with for other frequency ranges. The input circuit is tuned to the wanted station with capacitor C1. The response of the tuned circuit is fairly broad, so that correct tuning is easy. The circuit is powered by a well-decoupled mains supply converter that has an output of 9 12 V. The circuit draws a current of about 5mA.

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