220V 200W Bulb flasher

Posted on May 15, 2012

There is no need to resort to complex circuitry if what you are looking for is a simple power flasher. The light will flash at around 1Hz with a 100W bulb at a duty cycle of 50%. The max. load that can be driven with this circuit is 200W and if you wish to have a different frequency you have to change the value of the capacitor. Operation at 110VAC has not been tested although I expect it to work provided the resistors are set at about half the stated value. The SCR is manufactured by Siemens but any other equivalent semiconductor, with standard gate sensitivity, should work fine.

220V 200W Bulb flasher
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

WARNING! - This circuit is directly connected to the mains and proper safety precautions should be taken. A more modern design would use a sensitive gate SCR, other low power resistors and a 10?F, 250V electrolytic capacitor.

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