Traffic intersection light automatic controller circuit

Posted on Mar 28, 2007

Shown for the automatic traffic intersection traffic light control circuit. Four monostable delay circuit inclusive The controller consists of four 555 (IC2 ~ IC5) and a number of RC components connected together. 8V input voltage through the 78M05 regulator

Traffic intersection light automatic controller circuit
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after 555 provide VDD = + 5V supply voltage.Just when the power is turned on, the trigger pulse by IC1 (CD4011) gates and R1, C1 delay, then by C2, R22 differential added IC2 foot trigger IC2 output high into the temporary steady state, the temporary stability state timing varies depending on the position K1, the delay td = 1.1RC6, set time was 60 seconds, 45 seconds, 30 seconds. At the end of the temporary state, IC2 pin low after its C3, R23 differential, falling and trigger IC3, monostable delay the formation of the second stage. So in turn trigger timing to complete the green light - yellow lights (8 seconds, 10 seconds, 12 seconds) - Red Lights (60 seconds, 45 seconds, 30 seconds) cycle.This circuit is a control circuit monitors the command within the booth and display section. If you really mean for traffic cherry Grubs hoop Bodhisattva lotus Dao Pai Zeon da Hot Sputum Jin sole Slow majority of video game badger Bru Ao Po buttercup The controller circuit by four end to end, turn trigger delay, so the traffic lights turn green appear - yellow - red (color) signals, pedestrians and vehicles in the command I = 1 Crossroads orderly traffic (green) - to draw attention (yellow) - No Entry (red).

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