PIC MCUs to an LCD Module

Posted on Sep 23, 2012

This application note interfaces a midrange PICmicro device to a Hitachi LM032L LCD character display module, with a two line by twenty character display. LCD modules are useful for displaying text information from a system. In large volume applications, the use of custom LCD displays becomes economical. The routines provided should be a good starting point for users whose applications implement a custom LCD. This source code should be compatible with the PIC16C5X devices, after modifications for the special function register initialization, but has not been verified on those devices.

The Hitachi LM032L LCD character display module can operate in one of two modes. The first (and default) mode is the 4-bit data interface mode. The second is the 8-bit data interface mode. When operating in 4-bit mode, two transfers per character / co

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