Frequency electromagnetic RBI timer CD4017

Posted on Dec 11, 2010

Electromagnetic RBI timer simple structure, low price, high school physics experiment teaching is one of the most widely used instruments. The main disadvantage of the experime

Frequency electromagnetic RBI timer CD4017
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nt produced large errors electromagnetic RBI timer. The reason, first electromagnetic RBI timer vibration needle in RBI during tape recording will hinder movement, so that the moving speed of the tape is slowed down; electromagnetic RBI timer is followed by the step-down after AC drive, the dot interval of one cycle of alternating current, ie 0.02s. For many experiments, this time interval is too short, because generally the 0.1S as the time unit. In the experiment, you need to vibrating needle RBI timer recording tape recording played point is called the point, and artificial selection from the recording point out, point for point count is called timing. On the tape recorded every five points only count as a point, that point is the interval count 0.02s 5 0.1s. Thus, most of the experiments and did not record a point contribution, thus reducing unnecessary records point. Circuit shown in Figure RBI timer for J0203-1 type currently used in a large number of secondary schools, the use of electronic frequency technology, the design of a power inverter that J0203-1 type vibrator RBI timer pin can be in a variety of different cycles RBI timing.

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