Thermometer circuit with AD595

Posted on Jan 29, 2013

the entire circuit is comprised of integrated circuits. This makes for some easy organization when it goes to the circuit board for soldering. In addition, I used only 3 of the pins on the 3rd nixie tube for the hundreds position in the display. Since I was only using three, I decided to save a 74141 IC and just use a few high voltage transistors (MPSA42). I figure the thermometer will very unlikely be in any situation where a temperature between 0 and 399 will ever need to be displayed, and if it is, the electronics will probably not work anyways.

Thermometer circuit with AD595 - image 1
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The other thing to point out here is IC4, the AD595 thermocouple amplifier. Again, here I could have easily done this without purchasing somewhat of a costly IC. A few resistors and a little more creative programming allows for pretty much the same result. However, at the time I hadn't really thought that through all the way and this seemed like an easy and quick solution. The AD595 also has many other features which in the future could be used to do some fun stuff with. Check out the spec page for details. The AD595 also provides a simple formula for dealing with non-linearities in the thermocouple.

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