Arduino-based AVR High Voltage Programmer

Posted on Jan 13, 2013

Fortunately, my trusty Arduino came to the rescue I created an Arduino-based AVR programmer that uses the high voltage programming mode and can fix pesky fuses like RSTDISBL. The Arduino has just enough IO to implement the entire HV protocol plus a go” button. So far I have only implemented setting LFUSE and HFUSE in software, but there is no reason why the code couldn’t be extended to support chip erase and programming the entire flash as well.

Arduino-based AVR High Voltage Programmer
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

The fuse programming process is simple: Upload the HVFuse sketch to the Arduino, available for download here: HVFuse.pde Install the shield and apply +12VDC to the terminals on the left Wait for the red LED to turn on (if it isn’t already) Install the ATmega to be repaired Push the button As soon as the LED turns back on, the AVR is fixed and ready to be put back into service! Parts list: An Arduino NG, Diecimila, or compatible A piece of perfboard cut to size Header pins for the Arduino interface (note I had to drill some of the holes to get the headers to fit the nonstandard pin spacing for digital lines 8-13. An LED which indicates when it is ok to insert/remove the AVR A 2N3903 or similar NPN transistor (2N2222, etc.) (20) 1k resistors these protect the Arduino from short circuits in case something goes wrong A pushbutton switch this is the ‘go’ button A 28 pin socket for the target AVR

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