PIC18 programmer

Posted on Jan 31, 2013

The SCHAER+ programmer is a programmer for PIC18 family from a PC parallel port (LPT). It is derivated from the SCHAER programmer I used to download my projects in PIC1684. The SCHAER+ programmer should be improved to use a USB connection, without any external power supply... The SCHAER programmer I'm currently using allows me to program chips like PIC16F84 by managing 5 signals through parallel port.

PIC18 programmer
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

VCC : switch ON or OFF the chip to program VPP : apply the program power supply on VPP pin DATA_IN : serial data transmission (PC -> PIC) DATA_OUT : serial data transmission (PIC -> PC) CLOCK : clock transmission The original circuit has been design for PIC16F84. A special adpater for chips with 20 and 40 pins has been necessary. The main modification of the layout concerns the activation of the VPP signal, firstly generated by 2 signals.

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