Monitor circuit diagram with over 555

Posted on Dec 11, 2010

Depending on the external circuit connection, 555 may be formed start delay, trigger delay, multi-harmonic oscillation mode and other working conditions, it is with some RC com

Monitor circuit diagram with over 555
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ponents, switches and the like multi-purpose tester. By setting the control of the K1, K2 switch, the circuit can have exposure timing, dimming, delay and other functions. When the K1, K2 set to 1 position, it can be used as 0 to 100 second exposure timing circuit. When the K1, K2 are placed in the 2 position, IC 3 feet dimming circuit is broken K1-4, VT4 was K2-2 short front and rear circuit is independent state. In this state, adjust the scale value on RP2, can be measured to know the exposure time required for the film. When K1 is set to 3 position, K2 is set to 1 for light control switch circuit, RP2 VT2 for adjusting the trigger end of the IC from the control point. When K1 is set to 4, you need to select the location of the delay based on K2, the delay can be opened and closed function is activated.

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