Attenuation feedback tone circuit

Posted on Mar 28, 2007

Attenuation is a feedback tone control circuit consists of transistors and RC network formed. Circuit, RPz low tone control potentiometer, RP3 treble control potentiometer o Wh

Attenuation feedback tone circuit
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en RPz, slip point RP3 are located on the left, the bass by R, once attenuated by R5 treble by a tributary of the negative feedback attenuation while at the same time by the tenor R4, R6 and two negative feedback attenuation, to form a high, bass boost. When the sliding point RP2 gradually moves from left to right, the bass is cut by a further gradual increase Torr impedance attenuation, bass while negative feedback will gradually play a role and a step by step increase. When the slide is moved to the right point RPz, low tone by the maximum attenuation and feedback to achieve the deepest, while the treble is still maintained the original amount and the amount of feedback attenuation constant, which formed the largest bass attenuation. When Wei, sliding point gradually moves from left to right, the treble is attenuated RP3 resistance gradually increases with time and by the negative feedback branch of the island gradually increasing. When the RP3 to the extreme right, the treble most attenuated, and the negative feedback to achieve the deepest, which formed the maximum attenuation treble. Circuit characteristics: Control Range Bass 30 time is 20dB; 10kHz treble control range is 15dBo when the big circuit control range, low distortion, but the control characteristics greatly influenced by VT2 magnification.

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