Current source circuit diagram of the operational amplifier and Darlington transistors

Posted on Mar 28, 2007

As a result of the Darlington transistor circuit BSY86 the output current is large. Output current 150 ohms maximum limit, the output current is adjusted by the resistor R by t

Current source circuit diagram of the operational amplifier and Darlington transistors
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he RP1 potentiometer, and maintained constant independent of the load resistance Rl. FIG potentiometer RP1 using 10k Europe, the current can be adjusted within the range of 5uA ~ 40mA. Op amp inputs A, B, C three partially available instead of confining potentiometer RP1, then the emitter potential BSY86 can be adjusted to the ground by RP2 -0.6V, the sliding contact of the potentiometer regulator positive terminal potential to -12V, then the resistance R and potentiometer RP1 can be canceled.

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