Ratio discriminator circuit

Posted on Mar 28, 2007

Common phase frequency detector can be divided into mutual coupling and capacitive coupling frequency discriminator frequency discriminator according to their coupling. Its imp

Ratio discriminator circuit
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roved mutual coupling ratio discriminator circuit is shown in the figure, the diode is 2AP9 2. z- phase discriminator in an AM-FM FM wavelet transform parts of the same, but there are significant changes in the detector section. To type differences are: 1) the detection of two capacitors C3 and the connection point O C4 and two resistors connected point D separate frequency discriminator output voltage two from D, E remove points. 2) at the output A, B and connected at both ends of a large capacitance G, the electrical capacity of about lOyF, because of the time (R. + R2) C circuit constant number of large, about (o.1 ~ o .2) s, so that the detection process, for more than 15Hz amplitude changes, Udc on the capacitor G remained unchanged. 3) two diodes, one diode and phase frequency discriminator in the connection in the opposite direction. So in addition to ensure that the two diodes DC path, but also makes the two detector output voltage polarity become identical. Thus, a two detectors at both ends of the output voltage is the sum.

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