Saving voltage regulator circuit

Posted on Mar 28, 2007

Shown for the power-saving voltage regulator circuit. The regulator Besides general delay regulator function, its main features are: (1) mains voltage 220V 10% within the safe voltage range, automatic voltage regulator from the power supply, the power can

Saving voltage regulator circuit
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be directly added to the load, the regulator itself eliminate losses. (2) When the mains voltage exceeds the safe range, automatically boost or buck. (3) When the load is zero, the regulator automatically from the power supply, eliminating the load loss. (4) Input voltage 160V ~ 270V, the output voltage of 220V 10% or less, in line with national standards. Power 2500W.Component selection: VT4, VT7 value should be greater than 150. VD4, VD7 selected voltage value at about 4V genuine regulator; VD9 ~ VD12 chosen 10A rectifier diodes. Resistors are used (1/8) W carbon resistors. In addition to the capacitor C4 are selected voltage is 25V electrolytic capacitors. T1 use two-12V, 3W commercially available high-power transformers. K1 ~ K5 choose SHA-T90 type 12V relay. Note icon selected by the remaining elements.

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