Rain detector alarm

Posted on Apr 4, 2012

This circuit gives out an alarm when its sensor is wetted by water. A 555 astable multivibrator is used here which gives a tone of about 1kHz upon detecting water. The sensor when wetted by water completes the circuit and makes the 555 oscillate at about 1kHz. The sensor is also shown in the circuit diagram. It has to placed making an angle of about 30 - 45 degrees to the ground. This makes the rain water to flow through it to the ground and prevents the alarm from going on due to the stored water on the sensor.

Rain detector alarm
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

The metal used to make the sensor has to be aluminium and not copper. This is because copper forms a blue oxide on its layer on prolonged exposure to moisture and has to be cleaned regularly. The aluminium foils may be secured to the wooden / plastic board via epoxy adhesive or small screws. The contact X and Y from the sensor may be obtained by small crocodile clips or you may use screws.

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