Wearable medical devices voice alarm circuit diagram

Posted on Mar 28, 2007

Circuit as shown, mainly by the integrated voice chip ISD2560 composition. Winbond ISD2560 is produced by a chip with a strong voice recording function, it is a permanent memor

Wearable medical devices voice alarm circuit diagram
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y circuit voice recording, the recording time is 60s, recording can be repeated 100,000 times. The chip uses multi-level direct analog storage technology patents, can be very real, natural reproduction of voice. Good sound by recording in advance, to achieve blood pressure measurement automatically voice prompts, if blood pressure is higher than normal blood pressure, upper and lower limits, but also play an alarm to alert the user to a doctor. Specifically: after a period of time (approximately normal month) for accurate measurement, data processing on a computer, to give the normal range of blood pressure, which is the lower limit set alarm range, constantly monitor the wearers blood pressure, if blood pressure beyond the normal range, the start time, the date and time data to be recorded, if outside the normal range for longer than five minutes, then began to alarm to remind, suggesting content: Dear users Hello, this time lower your high blood pressure, we recommend that you measure the voltage immediately and take appropriate medication!

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