Heating System Thermostat

Posted on Apr 21, 2012

This circuit is intended to control a heating system or central heating plan, keeping constant indoor temperature in spite of wide range changes in the outdoor one. Two sensors are needed: one placed outdoors, in order to sense the external temperature; the other placed on the water-pipe returning from heating system circuit, short before its input to the boiler. The Relay contact wiring must be connected to the boiler`s start-stop control input.Controlled by indoor and outdoor temperature Simple, high reliability design.

Heating System Thermostat
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

This circuit, though simple, has proven very reliable: in fact it was installed over 20 years ago at my parents` home. I know, it is a bit old: but it is still doing its job very well and without problems of any kind. When Q1 Base to ground voltage i

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