Information Technology
Top Cloud Computing Trends That Will Shape Businesses In The Coming Years
console.debug('TRINITY_WP', 'Skip player from rendering', 'is single: , is main loop: 1, is main query: 1'); console.debug('TRINITY_WP',...
Tips for Recruiting during challenging times
Finding the right talent for your team is difficult at the best of times, but when times are tough (like they currently are) it makes it just...
Top 5 File Storage & Backup FAQs Your Remote Team is Asking
With little warning or preparation, office work had to be pushed into remote working situations. Such a new environment changes...
The Tale of an E-commerce System User
Over the past decade, consumers constantly change the way they want to shop...
Top 7 Blockchain App Ideas Bolstering the Business Growth in 2020
The global blockchain market is predicted to grow from $3.0 billion in 2020 to $39.7 billion by 2025, with a CAGR of 67.3% during...
Introducing the new MQTT sensors for PRTG
M essage Q ueuing T elemetry T ransport ( MQTT ) is a simple lightweight protocol for transmitting data between...
What is supervised learning
Defining Supervised Learning As the name suggests, supervised learning in Machine Learning is like having a supervisor while a machine...
What’s new in Microsoft Visual Studio Code 1.48
Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code has become one of the most popular developer tools around. Built using GitHub’s cross-platform Electron...
Health Passports Fast Track Past the Hype
With the COVID-19 pandemic triggering innovation, some emerging technologies are being implemented now, even as most emerging tech takes 5 to 10...
Essential Tips for your IT Contractor CV
The perfect CV will give a huge boost to your chances of being shortlisted and getting the job. However, writing the perfect CV that stands...
How to Make Your Video Meetings More Streamline & Secure
Ever since its introduction to the market, the technology of video calling has been used for mainly people who are in...
Microfinance Solution: A Need of the Hour
Microfinance has a significant role in bridging the gap between the formal...
Sizing and Performance benchmark testing – Windows Virtual Desktop
Introduction In this article, we will take a look at Azure Virtual Machine benchmarks to better understand which Virtual Machines are better...
Top 10 Web App Development Companies To Hire In 2020
Do you think it is better to get a web application instead of a mobile app? Indeed, there are many benefits of creating web apps over mobile....
Government 3.0: using monitoring for next-generation government IT
There’s a term called e-government and it basically describes the use of technical resources to provide public services to...
A reference architecture for multicloud
Today’s definition of multicloud depends on who you ask. This is not a new trend. Whenever a new technology gets some hype, suddenly there is...