Health Tech
Smart Glasses Make a Return to Health Care with the Vuzix M400
Although Google Glass, first released in 2012, offered many possibilities for use in surgery and other health care settings, it never became...
Babies With COVID-19 Tend To Have Mild Illness, Mostly With Fever
Ever since the SARS-CoV-2, commonly known as the Coronavirus escaped the Wuhan city of China and spread into other countries gradually, life...
Partners Seek No-Cuff Blood Pressure Monitoring
Blood pressure is one of the most essential vital signs when it comes to monitoring a patient’s health. The traditional method is to use a...
Decoding Five Common Denial Codes in a Medical Practice
In these unprecedented times, we have been digging into some of the most common denial reason codes to shed some light on...
Are You Making These Recruiting & Hiring Mistakes? Here’s How To Fix Them
Hiring is both a top priority and a top challenge for long-term care and senior living providers. A lot of the struggle is of...
DarioHealth, Williams Medical Partner to Expand Digital Therapeutics Platform Across the UK and Ireland
What You Should Know: – Dario Health enters strategic partnership with Williams Medical marking its expansion into the UK remote...
A physician’s struggle with mental illness [PODCAST]
“Was I that different? I had severe anxiety necessitating medication, compounded by stress, my own narcissistic tendencies, and a series of life...
Medical Practices Expect To See Telehealth Volume Plummet Over Next 12 Months
All of the data I’ve seen so far suggest that while doctors may have been leery of getting involved in telehealth services, COVID-19 forced the...
Can Dandruff Cause Hair Loss?
A person’s hair truly defines their beauty. Be it silky straight or springy curls, lustrous shiny hair surely works as eye candy. Everyone is...
Accidental Discovery: Energy Harvesting from Air
What do penicillin, microwave ovens, pacemakers, Silly Putty, LSD, The Slinky, Post-It notes, X-rays, and inkjet printers have in common? They...
Engage Users for Effective EHR Training
As a training specialist with over 20 Cerner Go-Lives under my belt, I have worked with thousands of individuals in healthcare...
Microsoft Releases Public Preview of Azure IoT Connector for FHIR to Empower Health Teams
What You Should Know: – Microsoft released the public preview of Azure IoT Connector for FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability...
Making time for patient advocacy is more important now than ever
“Time is generally the best doctor,” according to the Roman poet Ovid. But these days, in the middle of the pandemic, what doctor has time?...
Planning and Optimizing Your MEDITECH Expanse Data Conversion
Whenever you change EHR software, one of the biggest pieces of the project is to figure out how to handle the data that resides in the system (or...
World Health Organisation launches new podcast – Health in Europe
Health in Europe is a new podcast from the WHO Regional Office for Europe. WHO works with thousands of inspiring and driven individuals and...
Exercises To Stretch your Hands and Feet
Your hands perform various tasks every day like, lifting things, typing on the keyboard, and many others that can make your hand muscles stiff...